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image (c) Bert Lezy

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Transpersonal psychology is interesting...  

Not only people as Fritz
Perls (Gestalt), Maslow, Assagioli (psychosynthesis) and for instance
Ken Wilber are interesting, also someone as Stanislav Grof should
become known to a wider public:

''The Multi-Dimensional Psyche''
© Interview With
Interviewed By Russell E. DiCarlo

Dr. Stan Grof is a leading researcher in transpersonal psychology, a field he co-founded with the late Abraham Maslow. Grof's books include "Realms of The Human Unconscious," and "Beyond The Brain."

DiCarlo: You have been a major researcher of non-ordinary states of consciousness for the past thirty-six years. What got you interested at first?

Grof: My interest in this field of research started when I volunteered for an LSD experiment in Prague, Czechoslovakia. My original training was in Freudian psychoanalysis and reading Freud inspired me to study medicine and become a psychiatrist. However, early in my professional career, I developed a deep conflict in relation to psychoanalysis. I continued to be very excited about psychoanalytic theory which seemed to offer brilliant insights into the human psyche and fascinating explanations for various otherwise obscure problems, such as the symbolism of dreams, neurotic symptoms, religion, and what Freud called "psychopathology of everyday life". But I became increasingly disappointed with psychoanalysis as a practical tool of therapy.

... more at HealthWorld Online ...

Tens of thousands of people from all over the world have participated in Holotropic BreathworkTM since it was developed by Stanislav and Christina Grof. The technique includes deeper, connected breathing, music, art, and trained facilitation. This container provides protection, permission, and connection as participants explore the vast emotional, physical, and spiritual realms of their psyches.

Has Psychology Failed
the Acid Test?

Stanislav Grof

(interviewed by Jerry Snider) at The Light Party

Erowid.org is an online library of information about psychoactive plants and chemicals and related topics. The information on the site is a compilation of the experiences, words, and efforts of hundreds of individuals including users, parents, health professionals, doctors, therapists, chemists, researchers, teachers, and lawyers. Erowid acts as a publisher of new information as well as a library for the collection of documents published elsewhere. The information found on the site spans the spectrum from solid peer reviewed research to fanciful creative writing.

The library contains over 20,000 documents related to psychoactives including images, research summaries & abstracts, media articles, experience reports, information on chemistry, dosage, effects, law, health, traditional & spiritual use, and drug testing. Over 25,000 people visit the site each day, making more than 6 million unique visitors in the past year.

Erowid itself is a small non-commercial organization that has operated for more than 6 years in the controversial and politically challenging niche of trying to provide accurate, specific, and responsible information about how psychoactives are used in the United States and around the world. We are committed to protecting the privacy of contributors and reporting on the topic non-judgementally. Although our primary focus is on the web site, we also provide research and data for other harm reduction, health, and educational organizations.

Although the risks and problems are widely discussed, it's also clear that psychoactive plants and chemicals have played a positive role in many people's lives. As our culture struggles with integrating the increasing variety and availability of these substances into its political and social structures, new educational models are clearly needed. Erowid is founded on the belief that a healthy relationship with psychoactives is one grounded in balance, where use is part of an active, intellectual, physical, and spiritual life.

The Magic Mushroom Growers Guide
Version 3.2


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