image (c) Bert Lezy
Monday, March 22, 2004
Situationism / SI Situasionist Internasionale
"The Situationists, whose judges you perhaps imagine yourselves to be, will one day judge you. We are waiting for you at the turning."
In a publicity brochure issued several years ago, the ICA recalled the event as "a conference whose chairman was stone deaf, whose main speaker spoke no English, and whose participants denied that the meeting existed." (Actually they only denied that its topic existed, since the Situationists defined "Situationism" as a nonsense word coined by anti-Situationists.)
The first important action of the SI was its attack on the ‘International Assembly Of Art Critics’ in Belgium. This attack took the form of disrupting the press conference and handing out abusive flyers, a tactic that had served them well as the Lettrist International when they disrupted a Charlie Chaplin press conference and when one member, dressed as a priest, denounced God and the church from the pulpit of Notre Dame cathedral.
SI Situasionist Internasionale
via Guy Debord,_Guy/
tot bij:
Like Machiavelli, Debord analyzed the forces that conspired against democracy, and thus sketched its features in the negative. The Society of the Spectacle (1967) showed, as Debord remarks in Comments, "the autocratic reign of the market economy which had acceded to an irresponsible sovereignty, and the totality of new techniques of government which accompanied this reign." In Comments, we see the spectacle's "lines of advance" accompanied by what would be the equivalent of mercenaries to Machiavelli - terrorists, the mafia, and secret agents of every stripe; in short, everyone who "conspires in favor of" the spectacle.
Guy Debord schreef 'La society du spectacle.'
...en was de (mede)oprichter van de situasionistiese internasionale...
Audience member: ‘Can you explain what situationism is all about?’
Guy Debord: ‘We’re not here to answer cuntish questions’
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tussen de haakjes...
His text The Society of the Spectacle remains today one of the great theoretical works on modern-day capital, cultural imperialism, and the role of mediation in social relationships
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Texts by and pertaining to the Situationist International have been entered into a database, and are available at the Text Library by clicking the link on the left.
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